TN-Lehti Oy

Meneillään 43. vuosikerta /2025

TN-Lehti Oy  -  Teollisuuden Näytelehti

The publishing company TN-lehti Oy was founded in 1983.
Teollisuuden Näytelehti has been a prominent representative of the industry for several years and continues to provide important information to the industry. Bulletins are still the most significant source of information, both free and paid, i.e. bulletins that increase sales.
Teollisuuden Näytelehti is published 43 issues a year.

The main focus is on Finnish industry news and company presentations, as well as internationally information on major trade fairs.

We give priority to the needs and wishes of our customers in terms of information.
As a result, we have achieved a significant position in our industry and
the trust and respect of our customers.

Notifications: By media card or by event-specific offer.
Press Releases: Published on a case by case basis at discretion.
Paid newsletters / sales bulletins: Price to be agreed in advance.

Change to the 2025 media card: The material and publication schedule for 2025 has changed. Contact by email only to:

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